Sporting Dynamite
Cheerleading Club

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2011 Cheer Results PDF Print E-mail
The Community Cheerleading Championships, Manchester Velodrome, Saturday 14th May 2011.

Sporting Dynamite Teenies Cheerleading Squad - Team Name: Sporting Dynamite X-CITE

Placed 5th

1st time we have entered Teenies Cheerleading and we didn't really know how it would turn out, so to come home with a 5th place at your very first attempt is a fantastic achievement.  Well done, you were all great

Sporting Dynamite Teenies Pom Dance Squad - Team Name: Sporting Dynamite X-PLODE

Placed 8th

One again a new team that have never danced before and with four out of the seven children in the team never having competed at the Community Nationals before it was a better than expected result!

Sporting Dynamite Junior A Cheerleading Squad - Team Name: Sporting Dynamite X-TREEM

Placed 3rd
We did have high hopes for this team as they have been together for 2 years now but still it was the first time they have ever tried Cheer so the whole routine and dance concept was totally alien to them.  This has given the club a great start to cheerleading and hopefully something we will be able to build on over the next year.

Sporting Dynamite Junior A Pom Dance Blue Squad - Team Name: Sporting Dynamite X-CEL

Placed 9th
Mel did a great job getting this team to the competition in the first place as five weeks before the competition three people dropped out, leaving the team in an impossible situation.  They either went to comp with a bare minimum of 5 people and risk nobody was injured or taken ill or Mel was left with the task of teaching three newcomers the routine from scratch in just five hours!

The easy option would have been to pull the team out of competition and disappoint several children but thankfully Mel had the courage to go ahead regardless and for the benefit of the team she stuck with it.  The dance was brilliant and everybody should be very proud.

Sporting Dynamite Junior A Pom Dance White Squad - Team Name: Sporting Dynamite X-CESS

Placed 3rd
Pom dance is where we have been more at home in the past but this is a well contested category and third place is a serious win in anybodies book even for a team that has been together for a while.  You can never take anything for granted in this game so it was really pleasing to see the team put in a really solid performance.

Sporting Dynamite Seniors Cheerleading Squad - Team Name: Sporting Dynamite X-ECUTE

Placed 6th 
This was a solid performance by a team that know what to do, admittedly it was their first cheerleading performance as a team and I am sure it was not their best performance ever but even with the odd mistake I still thought they should have finished higher.  We will have to wait for the video to see what happened but it looked solid from the floor so I am a bit puzzled.  Clearly we need to take a good look at this!

Sporting Dynamite Seniors Pom Dance Squad - Team Name: Sporting Dynamite X-CERT

Placed 6th
Most confusing result I have seen in recent years.  The performance was great and I was hopeful of a good position so when sixth place was announced I thought like everybody else that there must have been some sort of mistake?  Perhaps it was just a little too inovative and went wide of the mark, I don't know but hopefully we will know more when the score sheets come out.

Anyhow, it was a performance I liked and I thought the choreography was really unique so as Sereena said "It means we will just have to try harder next year"

By the way every parent, helper and anybody else I spoke to, thought both of the Seniors performances were absolutely brilliant.  Go Team!

Congratulations to all the cheerleaders, coaches, staff and helpers, we are very proud of you.

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