Sporting Dynamite
Cheerleading Club

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So what's next at Sporting Dynamite PDF Print E-mail
Our next target are the Community Nationals Saturday 15th May 2010?

Every year UKCA hold their Nationals at Manchester Velodrome and the competition that Sporting Dynamite enter is The Community Nationals.

Last year was our first year and considering we only had a few months to practice both teams did fantastic securing a thirteenth and fourth position.  This year will be no easier as some children have left and others have joined which effectively means that we are starting from scratch with new teams.  Well not quite, we do have the knowledge that we have the ability to succeed and the coaches now understand whats required.  For some children this will be their second time so they should be more settled and therefore give a better account of themselves.

In all, we have a good chance, so as long as everybody tries hard and attends every session then 2010s competition should be as good if not better than 2009. 
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