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The Splits PDF Print E-mail

How to perform the Splits

As we stated earlier, some cheerleaders are more flexible than others.  It bears no relevance on how hard you try it’s simply a fact that some people are born flexible whilst others have to work harder to get anywhere near the same flexibility.

Basically anybody can do the splits but some may have to work harder than others.

Before we begin don’t forget the golden rules

Always consult a parent/guardian/doctor before you commence any form of exercise.

Warm up first!

Never force your body to do something it is not able to do on its own such as bouncing or having somebody else push your legs down.

If you feel anything unusual, such as pain, irregular heart beat, or breathlessness, cease the exercise immediately and consult your parent/guardian/doctor.

Now let's work on some drills to develop the perfect splits

  1. Let’s work on toning your body: Sit on the floor legs together in a pike position, your legs should be straight out in front of you with your ankles together and toes pointing upwards.  Place your hands on your thighs and slide them down towards your ankles, the idea to try and get your nose close to your knees (or as close as you can) and then hold this position for 20 seconds. (Repeat 3 times)
  2. Next open you legs about 60cm (or as wide as you find comfortable) putting the palms of your hands flat on the floor between your legs slowly slide them forward towards your ankles, after a little practice you should be able to change this slightly and get both elbows on the floor, then when you are able to do this you can hold the position for 20 seconds. (Repeat 3 times)
  3. After you have mastered point (2.) you will be able to change the position again and instead of getting your elbows on the floor you should put the palms of your hands flat on the floor between your legs slowly slide them forward towards your ankles but this time you continue sliding your hands forward until you can put your nose on the floor, hold this position for 20 seconds. (Repeat 3 times)
  4. Next, place either leg in front, and lunge forward from the knee towards your toes; your rear knee is on the floor, your front foot is far in front (your body is in an “L” shape) hold this position for 20 seconds. (Repeat 3 times) then sit back relax and straighten the front leg back out, try to place your nose on your knees in this position, again hold for 20 seconds. (Repeat 3 times) Once you have done this try to slide as far into the splits as you are able.
  5. Swap legs and repeat number (4.) using the other side. As in the previous exercise hold this position for 20 seconds. (Repeat 3 times).

The more you practice these drills the more flexible your body will become put it is important not to overdo things, twice a day is more than enough training for the splits.

If you wish, try sitting in the training position as in number 2) with your elbows on the floor whilst you are watching TV – This will help to condition your body for the splits.

Never push your body too far, if you feel any sort of twinge, strain or pull, cease the exercise immediately and consult your parent/guardian/doctor.

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