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The Toe Touch Jump
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Toe Touch Drill part 2:

  • Cheerleading Crunches: lay on your back on the floor, legs straight out in front of you, arms in a touchdown (up beside your head). Sit up, bringing your legs up and rolling back into a toe touch position (straddle), and bring your arms between to a T. Just think like you're doing a toe touch sitting on the floor. 10-15 is good to start. They hurt, and they look and feel awkward, but they'll help your jumps.
  • Squat Jumps: crouch down, touching your fingertips to the floor. Jump up, bringing your arms above your head, shrugging up your shoulders like you would doing a jump. As soon as your feet touch the floor, return to the starting position. 20 is a good number to start with, increase gradually.
  • Consecutive tucks: do a tuck with the approach. As soon as you hit the floor, go back up into a tuck with no prep. 5-10 to start.
  • Also, try doing 100 jumps every night, 10 of each jump you know: tuck, abstract(double hook), right hurdler, left hurdler. spread eagle, left front hurdler, right front hurdler, right herkie, left herkie, and finally, your toe touch.
  • Do these in addition to the leg lifts and kicks every day, at least once. Your toe touches, and other jumps will improve tremendously. Make sure you stretch a lot, and use your stomach and shoulders to get the height in your jump, as well as your legs. Do lots of crunches to strengthen your stomach.

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