Sporting Dynamite
Cheerleading Club

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FAQ 3 - When are the sessions? PDF Print E-mail
Friday evenings training times: Cost £3 per one hour session (unless otherwise stated)

4 to 5pm - Teenies: Cheerleading session (5yrs to 9yrs only)
5 to 6pm - Teenies: Dance session (Street or Pom dance)(5yrs to 9yrs only)
5 to 6pm - Junior A: Dance session (9yrs to 12yrs only)
5 to 6pm - Junior B: Cheerleading (13yrs to 16 yrs only)
6 to 7pm - Junior A: Cheerleading session ( 9yrs to 12yrs only)
6 to 7pm - Junior B: Dance session (13yrs to 16 yrs only)
7 to 8pm - Junior A and B: Stunt Group sessions(9yrs to 16yrs - Invitation only)
7 to 8pm - Gymnastics/Flexibility class (Junior A, normally 9yrs to 12yrs - Invitation only)
8 to 9pm - Gymnastics/Flexibility class (Seniors 12yrs and over - Invitation only)

Tuesday evenings training times: Costs vary see below

5.30 to 6.30pm - Masters: Cheerleading (18yrs and over) - Cost £4.50
5.30 to 6.30pm - Junior A: Cheerleading (9yrs to 12 yrs only) - (Cost £1 if you attended & payed for the Friday sessions, otherwise it's £3)
6 to 6.30pm - Junior B: Conditioning (13yrs to 16 yrs only) - (Cost £1 if you attended & payed for the Friday sessions, otherwise it's £3)
6.30 to 7.30pm - Junior A: Dance session (9yrs to 12yrs only) - (Cost £1 if you attended & payed for the Friday sessions, otherwise it's £3)
6.30 to 7.30pm - Junior B: Cheerleading (13yrs to 16 yrs only) - (Cost £1 if you attended & payed for the Friday sessions, otherwise it's £3)

The two Gymnastics/Flexibility classes which we run concentrate on improving fitness and flexibility.  These classes are currently under development and are run by a qualified gymnastics coach.  For safety reasons and to ensure that we have the right persons attending the sessions we operate these two classes as closed sessions (Invitation only).  The reason these classes are by invitation only is because during these sessions we require a high level of discipline, in addition the children attending have to be committed to learning and able to take instruction.

Tuesday evening sessions are normally £3 per session but we are currently running a scheme where we offer a discount to children/cheerleaders attending the previous Friday sessions which discounts the Tuesday sessions to £1.  Please note: this discount is only available to children/cheerleaders who attended and payed for sessions on the previous Friday evening!

If you require further information please contact Sporting Dynamite;

by email "click here"
by telephone "click here to go to the contacts page"

If the mobile phone is not answered or you would prefer Sporting Dynamite to return your call, just leave a brief message with your name and telephone details and we will get back to you.  (If possible leave a land-line number as it keeps the costs down)

Please note: All classes (with the exception of the flexibility sessions) are of a drop in nature which means you can just turn up, pay your money and dance.  Although these sessions are drop in it is still advisable to contact Sporting Dynamite if you are attending for the first time, just in case we are practicing for a competition or an event and are unable to devote a suitable amount of time to help newcomers pick up the basic dance moves.

Children will be permitted to attend up to a maximum of 6 sessions after which (subject to approval) they will be invited to join the club and will be required to pay their membership.  Please be aware we do not tolerate any form of abuse, racism, or personal attack whether physical or verbal.  Any child showing poor/unsuitable behaviour will be asked to leave the club and may be suspended indefinitely.  

Sporting Dynamite promote a friendly atmosphere and we encourage each child to support their fellow cheerleaders and to make them feel welcome and part of the club regardless of their age, ability or where they come from.  Cheerleading is the sport of smiles and we intend to keep it that way! 

All fees/memberships are non-returnable and cannot be refunded under any circumstances.

Sorry, but children under 5yrs are not permitted to attend any of our sessions.

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