Sporting Dynamite
Cheerleading Club

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Sporting Dynamite Closure 16th February 2022
It is with great regret that we announce the closure of Sporting Dynamite cheerleading Club.

The last few years have been very tough for many organisations as Covid forced many clubs to close and placed many more in serious financial difficulties but unfortunately for Sporting Dynamite we were dealt an even crueler blow when just as we were coming out of lockdown and preparing to reopen the club in May 2021 we were the victims of a terrible fire that engulfed our storage container and destroyed all of the clubs equipment.  Since the fire we have tried everything to reopen the club but faced with such a devastating loss of £11,000 of training equipment (which took over 10 years to amass) we were eventually forced to accept defeat and announce the closure of the club.

The last thing we wanted was for Sporting Dynamite to close and even worse to close in such circumstances but to see thirteen years of work burnt beyond recognition and everything we had worked for completely and utterly destroyed reduced both Julie and myself to tears and trying to salvage anything out of such a devastating loss was beyond anyone's abilities and regretfully it left us with only one option, which was to close the club.

Working with so many talented children, young adults, coaches and helpers has been such a privilege and will be something we remember for the rest of our lives.  We had a fantastic time and became a large part of many childrens's lives with lots of fun, the odd moan here and there and several dozen trophies along the way. We won over 40 first, second and third place trophies, won The National Championships (in both Cheeerleading and Streetdance). A European 3rd place (Cheerleading), and even sent a cheerleader to the World Championships winning a 1st place in Cheerleading and a 1st place in Urbancheer....  Not bad for a little club in Openshaw.

We will remember you forever and you will always be in our hearts and if your passing don't forget to call in and say hello.
LET's GO DYNAMITE'S, LET's GO - The most amazing team ever!

The home of Sporting Dynamite

DSCF2888micro.JPGSporting Dynamite is a community based cheerleading club that was set up on 2nd February 2009 at Sporting Edge in the heart of Openshaw, East Manchester.  With superb facilities and a great support team the "Sporting Dynamite's" have already achieved a great deal over the last few years and as such they are well on their way to becoming yet another great  cheerleading squad.  The club policy is simple and has been designed to create a warm and friendly atmosphere with inclusion for all.  

So if you have ever fancied cheerleading or if you just want to attend a club where you can have some fun and meet new people then Sporting Dynamite is definitely for you!

Still not sure?
You don't need to be a cheerleader, you don't need to be a top dancer, you don't even need to be able to dance, we will teach you!  Come down and try it out, I am sure you will enjoy yourself and meet new friends as well, so what are you waiting for? turn the PC off and do something active for a change.

Music for Spring Nationals 2016

For those who don't have Facebook please follow the link below for the Junior B and Junior A Dance Music.

The music file will open in Windows media player.  When the file starts playing switch to Library by selecting the small square with 3 dots and an arrow in the top righthand corner.  You will now be able to select File from the menu at the top and then "Save As" to download the file to your PC

Please download the track to your Pc or laptop and don't keep playing the file direct from this website as I will be turning access off to the files after a few days

Junior A Track

Junior B Pom Dance

Stunt Group track 1

Stunt Group track 2

National Championships 2012 - Manchester Central (GMEX)  
The 2012 UKCA National Championships took place on Sunday 26th February at the Manchester Central Convention Complex (G-MEX), Windmill Street, Petersfield, Manchester, M2 3GX.  This competition represented the highest standard of competition in UKCA and was only open to the Elite clubs and dancers, it was therefore a great honour and privilege to have been invited to such an event which was in turn testament to the hard work and dedication of all Sporting Dynamite members over previous years.

For more information about competitions and updates visit the ukca website

Street Cheer National Championships 2011
The 2011 UKCA Street Cheer National Community Championships took place on Sunday 20th November at The Liverpool Echo Arena.  As was the case the previous year, the event was a combined affair with two levels of competion (Community and Elite) as well as the UKCA National Winter Open Cheerleading Championships all taking place on the same day.

Sporting Dynamite entered teams in both the UKCA Street Cheer National Community Championships Transitional and Non Transitional sections.

For more information about competitions and updates visit the ukca website

Nathan brings extra street to the Dynamite's
Active ImageWhile you were all resting over the weekend Dynamite's coaches once again gave up their spare time to learn new skills and moves that should help Dynamite's to improve their routines for this years Streetcheer Nationals. The coaches attended a 7 hour workshop with Nathan Geering picking up tips on floorwork, popping and locking whilst learning a whole host of new moves.

The coaches worked their socks off over the weekend to learn extra skills and tricks that should prove really useful at competition later in the year.  The workshop was a great success and all the Dynamite's attending had a brilliant time, well done to Mel, Sereena, Michelle, Julie and Danielle (who had to leave before the photo's) "We are very proud of you"

UKCA Community Nationals 2011
Many thanks to everybody for arriving on time, although it might have seemed a little early to some we still only just registered in time for Teenies to get dressed and then go down for their photograph (they were still late for warm up by about 6 or 7 minutes)

It is always a mad rush and with so many teams entering this year it was always going to be awkward getting changed, registered, warmed up and then at the stage in time for each performance.  The schedule was that tight that Junior A (X-treem) had to miss their photograph and then go for it after they had performed.

Once again, many thanks to all those who helped out, it's a very long day and you all worked really hard making the day a great success.

For this years Community Nationals results, click here

The Midnight Walk 2011 




It is with great regret that unfortunately due to prior commitments Sporting Dynamite will Not be attending this years Manchester Midnight Walk on Saturday 25th June.  If however you would still like to support this event then you will need to make your own arrangements.  Even without sporting Dynamite this is a fantastic event and raises money for a very worth while cause so ifActive Image you still wish to go then I am sure you will be made more than welcome on the night.  

This year sees Saint Ann's Hospice's 40th Anniversary so I am sure it will be a very special night with lots of well know faces and plenty of celebrities taking part.  So if you have a little spare time and want to take part in a great event raising money for charity then the Midnight Walk's for you.
Streetcheer Results 2010
Once again the Dynamite's did extremely well and a fantastic time was had by all many thanks to The Zest foundation and Eastlands Homes who both donated money to help keep the costs down, for results "Click here" 
For more information about this years competition 
"Click here" 

Sporting Dynamite Desktop Wallpaper
Fancy something really cool on your desktop or just want a change from the standard Microsoft wallpaper? then check out the brand new Sporting Dynamite wallpapers.

Its east to change, just read the instructions on the
wallpaper downloads page.  Oh and if it's not your PC or laptop, make sure you get permission before you make changes to it.  
Asda Sports vouchers
Sporting Dynamite are proud to be part of the Asda Sporting Chance program 2011 an initiative that has been set up to encourage young persons to take part in sport.  This is fantastic news if you fancy trying out our Cheerleading or Streetcheer sessions as all you have to do is bring a Sporting Chance voucher (free from Asda) and you can take part in our sessions for free.

Please note: This only applies to your first visit - Asda vouchers are only valid during holiday terms and only one free session of each activity per person will be permitted (on production of a valid Asda voucher).  All subsequent sessions will be charged at full price. 

Sorry but this offer is not open to existing members. 
Fun Weblinks
Are you bored? want to do something new? then have a look on the Internet for fun things to do and when you have found something Click this link and email us to with the details so we can add them to the links page and then other dynamites members can have fun too.
It's not hard, just enter your name, your email address (if you don't have one put This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it the box) the message subject (what it's about) and then add the details in the box at the bottom where it says enter your message.

Photos, videos or any other forms of media
To all parents and cheerleaders: We urgently need images, videos or other forms of media.  We are trying to collect and collate a proper archive of images and video of all Sporting Dynamite activities. 

The idea is to update this site with the best and then create a super disc with all the images (if they will fit) which parents will be able to purchase (for a small fee) with all profits going to Sporting Dynamite.

UKCA Community Nationals 2010
This was the second year that Sporting Dynamite entered the Nationals and once again both teams acquitted themselves perfectly with improvements on last years results.

Teenies finished 11th out of 14 - For more details click here
Junior A finished 2nd out of 11 - For more details click




What do you like best about Sporting Dynamite





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